Lateral Hire Process
Be less than 40 years old
On the date of appointment, you must not have reached your 40th birthday.
NOTE: If you are nearing your 40th birthday, please contact us to request priority processing.
Have a valid FOID Card and Illinois Driver License
You must have a valid FOID Card and Illinois Driver License to be hired. To check the status of your FOID Card, visit
Be a Chicago resident
You must be a resident of the City of Chicago and have an Illinois Driver License showing an address within the City on the date of appointment.
Have no indebtedness to the City of Chicago
You must not owe any debts to the City of Chicago, such as unpaid parking/red light/speeding tickets or unpaid city utility bills. To search for and pay tickets or boot fees issued to you, or to enter into a payment agreement, visit the City’s Citation Administration page. To check your utility billing account, visit the City’s Utility Billing & Customer Service page.
Be in good standing with your current employer, meet Illinois standards for appointment as a sworn officer, and be sworn for at least 2 years
You must be in good standing with your current employer, have not been de-certified as a law enforcement officer by the State of Illinois, and have an up to date Illinois Law Enforcement licensure. You must also have at least 2 years of experience as a sworn law enforcement officer.